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image  One in five men said that he “expects” sex if he spends more than 100 pounds on dinner, the Daily Express reported.   It sometimes works, as seven percent of women say they feel “obliged” to sleep with a man who has been so generous.   Men are still most likely to pick up the bill on a first date, according to a survey, and most expect to sleep with their new partner after just three dates.Women typically won’t consider sleeping with a man until they have been on at least five dates, the study of 2,000 people by internet network MSN.co.uk found.   Half of men will happily spend more than 50 pounds on a first meeting, with couples
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image  Ease of access to information and over-the-counter medication might deceive most of us into believing that we can play God or at least, doctor. However, given the steady increase in the number of emergency visits to the hospital, it's time to take your health into your own hands by leaving the diagnosis to the experts.   Remember the closing scene of The Social Network where FaceBook founder Mark Zuckerberg's character is shown repeatedly refreshing his ex-girlfriend's FaceBook page? Turns out, he isn't a minority. Of the 1,200 people surveyed for the the third annual sex survey by Shape and Men's Fitness magazines, 75 per cent admitted to constantly checki
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image London: Snacking on sweet treats like biscuits, cakes, fizzy drinks, crisps and desserts may increase the risk of bowel cancer, a new UK study suggests.   Researchers investigated various factors including diet, levels of physical activity and smoking in Scottish bowel cancer patients.   They found links with some established risk factors of colorectal cancer - such as family history of cancer, physical activity and smoking.   Their findings also identified new factors including high-energy snacks, `BBC News` reported.    The research which used data from the Scottish Colorectal Cancer Study, was said to be first of its kind to find a positive link be
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image Women at their peak fertility prefer the smell of men oozing with testosterone, a new study finds.

Ovulation has been shown to impact a woman's mating preferences. For instance, women in the fertile phase of their menstrual cycle favor more masculine traits, such as a deep voice or manly face, characteristics associated with the hormone testosterone, studies have found. Other research suggests fertile women are attracted to men with high levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which may be involved in stronger immune systems.

In the new study, researchers tested how women's sexual scent preferences changed depending on men's levels of testosterone and
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image By never, we mean never, ever. Not even on days when he wears the flying-swordfish shirt.

1. "Surprise! I got us a facelift!"
This is a true story. My friend went on vacation looking 60 and came back looking 45 (once the bandages came off). Her logic was understandable: Our bodies are our bodies, and it’s we who decide how we want to look when it comes to wrinkles, highlights, breast reductions or hot pants. And yet… change is difficult for just about everyone, especially for the ones closest to us, the ones who happened to meet us with our original cheekbones. You want to feel great. Odds are, he wants you to feel great. Giving him a heads up bef
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image Chatting over lunch and joking with coworkers may not seem like more than pleasant distractions at the office, but they could have an enormous impact on your work life. With employee engagement declining and more than eight in 10 American workers experiencing job-related stress -- female employees being even more more vulnerable to workplace tension than men -- friendship could make the difference between happiness at work and burnout. Research has found that strong social connections at the office can boost productivity, and could make employees more passionate about their work and less likely to quit their jobs.

According to Christine M. Riordan, provost and professor of man
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image Australian researchers have said that a new drug that stops the malaria parasite from using vitamin B1 to multiply is now plausible.   Pharmacologist Kevin Saliba of Australian National University along with his team have reported their findings in recent issue of Nature Communications, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported.   Just like humans, malaria parasites need vitamins to grow and multiply. Thiamine (vitamin B1) is converted in cells to a cofactor, which then binds a number of enzymes involved in energy production.   Saliba and colleagues worked on if it might be possible to inhibit this thiamine metabolism pathway.   "We can target
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image Washington: Drinking water can sharpen your mind, a new study has revealed.   The University of East London School of Psychology in England has found that subjects who drank about three cups of water - 24 ounces per 775 milliliters- before taking a series of cognitive tests - performed better on a test measuring reaction time than subjects who didn`t drink water.   The researchers speculated that being thirsty may take brain`s attention away from the task at hand, thus slowing response time.   "It might be that physiological processes (of drinking or not drinking water) affect performance on different tasks in different ways," study researcher Caroline Ed
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image Parveen a Babi (4 April 1949 – 20 January 2005) was an Indian actress, who is most remembered for her glamorous roles alongside top heroes of the 1970s and early 1980s in blockbusters like Deewar, Namak Halaal, Amar Akbar Anthony and Shaan. Babi, along with Zeenat Aman was credited with making a lasting impact on the image of its leading actresses by bringing the western heroine look to Hindi cinema, and throughout her career has been considered a sex symbol is often cited as one of the most beautiful actresses to have ever appeared in Indian cinema.   Dr Pam Spurr is an award-winning radio presenter, agony aunt, 'date doctor', sex and relationship advisor and life coa
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image Taking and making opportunities   First, let's think about general opportunities to meet someone by chance. A little preparation can go a long way if you happen upon a 'spontaneous' opportunity. You never know when: in a lift at work, at a conference, in a pub, at your local grocery store. It's been shown that apart from meeting someone at work, or being introduced to someone by friends, the main way you'll meet someone is spontaneously and unexpectedly.   Take control and enhance these spontaneous opportunities by being aware of who's around you. If you walk around listening to your iPod in a daze you might walk right past the love of your life. If
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image You’ve got to admire Datta Phuge’s honesty. The money lender from Pimpri-Chinchwad in India admits that he is not “the best looking man in the world” and may need to work a little harder than many to attract the woman of his dreams.   And the cunning ploy he came up with to hook the lucky lady is...a pure gold shirt. Phuge paid £14,000 for an item not available in Topshop, which included the cost of 15 goldsmiths working 16 hours a day for a fortnight.   Has it worked? The jury’s out, but Phuge is confident. “Surely no woman could fail to be dazzled by this shirt,” he said.   Hmm, we think we know plenty of women who
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image Men are quite wary of entering the kitchen, especially when they have to cook a meal for their wife. But there's nothing better than preparing a dish for your wife to bring a smile on her face.   Plan it out The first step to preparing a meal for your wife is by planning it out. Try making a dish that your partner loves to eat or if you want to surprise her, experiment with something you haven't tried before. Making a meal isn't just about food alone; you need to decide on the place where you would like to lay out the food. It could be your dining table, porch or outside on the lawn.   Decide on the menu Next, decide what you would want to cook for her. Choo
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image Washington: Men who regularly skip breakfast are at a 27 percent higher risk of heart attack or death from coronary heart disease than those who don`t.   Researchers analyzed food frequency questionnaire data and tracked health outcomes for 16 years (1992-2008) on 26,902 male health professionals ages 45-82.   The study suggested that men who reported not eating breakfast were younger than those who did, and were more likely to be smokers, employed full time, unmarried, less physically active and drank more alcohol.   It was also found that men who reported eating late at night- eating after going to bed- had a 55 percent higher coronary heart disease risk than tho
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image She'd tell you a million things to make you believe her undying love for you. TOI on what 'lies' in her moment of truth. Keep your liar meters on!   From what is known of peeking into most women's diaries, the life of a woman seems synonymous with the life of a secret. What goes on inside a girl's mind usually fails to agree with her heart, leading her to hide a few things, not because she's afraid, but because she loves those things in her personal space.   A survey carried out on a social media website asked women - single and committed - 'what would you hide from your boyfriend'? At first, the responses were few and far between. Most women
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image Here is what your man would like you to know...   Chocolate can make him feel better Men may hide their emotions, but there are moments when they get teary-eyed. Offer them a bar of chocolate and a warm hug, it will definitely make them feel better.   They want intimacy as much as you do Whether it's a warm hug or simply holding hands or a passionate kiss, men want you to show them how you feel without holding back.   Don't expect him to read your mind Some women expect men to be mind readers and their explanation for everything stems from the fact that a guy in love with them should be in tune with their changing emotions, feelings and moods. While h
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image Transition to married life is filled with many milestone "firsts," which strengthen the relationship with a spouse.   The Huffington Post has compiled a list of things that happen for the first time after a marriage:   The first ever fight between a couple is a lot more different and is a lot more charged, the Huffington Post reported.   Secondly, getting together with friends after the wedding is a little strange as some of them may feel that their married-by-30-clock is ticking, or become bitter that the newlyweds have "the perfect life."   Another first that a newlywed has is their first major purchase together.   The in-law
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image You wanted to comfort her the first time she wept in your arms while watching a romantic flick. You now come up with dazzling excuses every time she suggests watching more mush together.   Though she claims to be a serious reader, you know she has a collection of Mills & Boon stashed away in her cupboard. Her double standards coupled with mood swings often leave you flustered, never mind a tad insane, and you find yourself eventually giving in to her every tantrum. Some women make no bones about their weakness for romance, which of course many men find appealing in the first few dates, but slowly as the sheen comes off a fresh romance they begin to find those very traits of hers
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image Men are crazy. And they get crazier when they see you approach them in those red pumps and skinny jeans with a baggy and casual tee in style and confidence.    Although there are a thousand things that make you irresistible, here are the top most unbelievable ones:   1. No make-up: Oops. Sorry girl. There's a great chance that your guy hasn't even noticed your smokey eyes or the new bronzer on your face. Save money and turn him on!   2. Lingerie that doesn't match: And you thought you should pair your lacy, satin purple panties with a purple bra? Show him that you are unprepared and yet give in to his desires and make yourself hotter!   3.
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image From reading your favourite novel or watching movies — there's plenty you can do when you are home alone    Prepare for the day   When you know that you will be staying all by yourself in the house today, list down the things that you would like to do. It could be anything from going shopping, watching movies your TV shows, reading books or simply sleeping.   Make yourself comfortable    This is especially for the ones who would love to laze back and watch movies to listen to songs. Have some pillows tucked by your side and keep some eatables near you, so that you feel relaxed and happy.   Listen to some good music  &nbs
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The mice were eating their usual chow and exercising normally, but they were getting fat anyway. The reason: researchers had deleted a gene that acts in the brain and controls how quickly calories are burned. Even though they were consuming exactly the same number of calories as lean mice, they were gaining weight.   So far, only one person — a severely obese child — has been found to have a disabling mutation in the same gene. But the discovery of the same effect in mice and in the child — a finding published Wednesday in the journal Science — may help explain why some people put on weight easily while others eat all they want and seem never to gain an ounce
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