Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya continuously ensure that students enjoy school in a happy, safe and secure environment designed to fulfil their potential. Consequently, we pride ourselves on our reputation as a respectful, caring and dynamic school that places student welfare and progress at the heart of all that we do in Munger. We offers school for boys in Munger, igcse schools in Munger, schools for learning disabled in Munger, residential schools in Munger, boys boarding schools in Munger, army schools in Munger, school tuitions for accounts in Munger, finance in Munger, statistics in Munger international schools in Munger, icse schools in Munger, schools for girls in Munger, girls boarding schools in Munger, cbse boarding schools for girls in Munger, schools nursery to x in Munger, igcse boarding schools in Munger and school preperatory rope course in Munger. We are passionate about learning in every sense and match our clear focus on academic excellence with a strong commitment to personal, social and emotional development. All our students are individuals of whom we have the highest expectations. This aspiration underpins our culture of hard work and personal support making success both expected and natural.Name of Trust/ Society/ Managing Committee NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA SAMITI Affiliation Number 340002State BIHARDistrict
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