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New relationship advice for a perfect start
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Have you found yourself in a new relationship in this month of love? Setting some ground rules with your flame will smoothen the road ahead for you both
The first few weeks of a new relationship are the trickiest. While everything seems hunky dory at first, a few unintentional words and actions can lead to trouble in paradise. Keep in mind these basics of etiquette for new romances, and you'll be fine.
Restrain PDA
You can't keep your hands off each other right now, but how much PDA (public display of affection) is too much? If your beau is comfortable with it, hand-holding and looking into each other's eyes are generally accepted in most public places. French kissing, groping and fondling are best attempted briefly, and when no one in the vicinity is staring.
Limit the texting 
No matter how urgent you think it is, don't convey emotional messages over SMS. Use texting for short, factual communication like informing your date that you are stuck in traffic. Don't share every detail of your day gone by calling or texting; you'll be considered a bore by even the most polite listener. You don't really need to know every little piece of information about each other. And drunk dialing is a strict no-no... always!
Don't meet too often
We understand how you want to spend every second of every day with your new love. It may feel great for the first week or so, but eventually your other commitments may pile up and one of you may end up getting annoyed with the other for taking too much time.
Don't be clingy
In the modern dating world, giving each other space is an essential requirement to a great relationship. Right now, you're only a small part of each other's lives. So don't give yourself more importance than you deserve.
The passion of a new romance leaves the lovers with little time for deep, intimate conversation. So, try to sneak in a long conversation whenever you're not busy feeling each other up. Find out each other's likes, dislikes, interests in music, movies and books, for instance. Such conversations are spot-on predictors of romantic compatibility.
Keep friends at bay
It's understandable to want to show off your sweetheart to your closest friends. But in the initial phase, refrain from inviting friends when your new beau is with you. It will overwhelm the person who might be scared that things are moving too fast.
Adjust to habits
Accept each other's habits. Instead of trying to change the person to fit your standards of what a potential mate should be like, learn to adjust to their (sometimes annoying) habits. You risk losing him forever if you put restrictions on the way he lives his life at the very beginning.
Gifts can wait
If you want to express your love, keep the gifts small. Despite the fact that your sweetheart is always on your mind these days, don't go overboard with gifts. Save the spending sprees for later when the relationship has matured.

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